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"Firstly, state-level educational programs targeting professionals in the fields of agriculture and livestock, chemistry, and environmental services."

Gaziantep Steam Education Center

"Camilo José Cela University aims to do things differently. As the world constantly changes and we face new challenges, we offer a flexible and interdisciplinary education. We promote an entrepreneurial spirit and encourage social innovation, equipping our students with the technological skills necessary for their personal and professional futures. Our university seeks students who aspire to learn, grow, and change the world. Our vision for higher education is built on three pillars:

1. Interdisciplinary Approach: We educate individuals capable of working in any field and handling complex tasks. Through a unique curriculum called La Colmena®, which runs parallel to your undergraduate studies, we provide a simple way to learn a variety of skills and knowledge.

2. Innovation: We design academic curricula innovatively, focusing on you and your learning process. The education you receive at UCJC is different from traditional university education. Our open education model and our approach adapted to current times distinguish us from other universities. We transform educational experiences with new, open, and flexible learning environments and active methodologies.

3. Internationalization: We empower you to become more independent, offering tools to guide your professional career globally. You will receive education from top-tier faculty members from many different countries. Through Study Abroad programs and International Weeks, we provide opportunities to experience different universities in the US, Asia, and Europe.

And three strategic axes:

- Entrepreneurship: Fostering an entrepreneurial attitude in life and work.
- Digitalization: Personalizing learning processes and transforming them using technology.
- Social Impact and Social Innovation: Learning through community service."

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